Back patio for football, living room, bedroom. Anyway I want to get rid of my pano too but having the ability to move that wireless box around is just too convenient. Buddy who still works for the cable company sent me a picture of the old, old, old Linksys router, like the iconic one that is used for icons these days and the customer told him his internet was slow. Or someone who thinks they know what they are doing changes setting on their router then complains about speed issues when they turned on QoS or some dumb shit. I'm like, your computer is starting up and this has nothing to do with the internet.

They would look me dead ass in the eyes and tell me they pay for high speed internet.

Yet I remember when I worked in the cable industry and I was a house tech people would call us out for slow data, they would press the power button on their computer and then complain the internet was not high speed while their computer boots up. I see that point a bit because at what point is it not their fault it isn't working? Say someone used a 2010 range extender and kept calling them out saying it was their service not working right when it's an old piece of shit hardware they use? Obviously if you are running ubiquity you have high quality stuff. They state that it's to ensure the quality and experience of the service. Maybe in the future they will not make pano a requirement but let's be honest, that monthly rental is the main driving force behind it.

Whatever works best for you and your family brother.